Swallowing issues.

by Brandi

Has anyone had any issues swallowing after taking this pill? I took the old pill for 3 months in August 2012. Quit for a month then started taking the new bee pollen pill from December 2012 until February 2013 when I started having swallowing issues. In march it became so bad I choked 3 times during a meal. Mind you I'm a 25 year old female with no health issues what so ever, taking no medications, and really only needed to lose about 20 lbs. I finally went to the doctors in April. He figured I was just having GERD and put me on omperazole and sent me to speech therapy for an evaluation. In other words, brushing me off thinking I was faking it. Speech therapy sent me for a barium swallow, revealing abnormal results from thin liquid to solid foods, which is very rare at my age and health status. I began getting severe headaches to the point where I could not even think. All of this was happening as I was going through nursing school (which I successfully completed wooo). The doctor has me on topamax 100mg for the headaches right now which is working okay, he also gave me pain medication to take 3 times daily as needed. I go see the neurologist n Monday at UPMC in Pittsburgh to begin the long testing for the swallowing since it's gotten worse. Sorry for the long post just wondering if anyone else is having these issues? I'm scared to death.

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