Apitherapy and ms

I am interested in learning more about apitherapy in treating ms. I am 48, white, female-diagnosed in 2005 and have declined so rapidly that I am confined to a wheelchair-am tired ALWAYS-can hardly move. What exactly is apitherapy?

Hi there,
I would recommend you visit this apitherapy site. It has excellent information on what apitherapy is.


Hope that helps,

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Jul 22, 2012
MS & Apitherapy & the American Apitherapy Society
by: Susan

Hello: You may be able to gain a great deal of information from the American Apitherapy Society's (AAS)website at www.apitherapy.org

The AAS, an organization founded 23 years ago in the United States with members from the US and from many other Countries, dedicated to educating about Apitherapy. We run symposiums and an Annual Course and Conference, called CMACC. The 2012 event will be held in Portland Oregon on Oct. 5-7, and all the info is posted on the AAS website. We have renowned Apitherapists from all over the country speaking, with a very varied program. MS is often covered, and many of the people experienced in Apitherapy know about MS and Apitherapy. In addition, people who become members of AAS have many resources, such as access to our Forum, our Journal, and the Network of people involved with Apitherapy. You may be interested in joining. Also, I recommend that you read the Testimonials, as there are a number which focus on MS. These testimonials are available to everyone.

I hope this helps you.
Cordially, Susan

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