Royal Jelly in honey questions

Can you take Royal Jelly in Honey in your Hot Tea? If not, why? I have been taking it morning and evening in my hot tea and would like to know if I should change practice. Also, should I refrigerate the jar? The brand I have tried so far is called YS Ultra Mega Strength Royal Jelly in Honey. Thanks very much for your helpful advice.

Angela's comments:

Yes, you can but if you'd like to prevent damaging the royal jelly, wait for the tea to cool before adding the royal jelly honey.

The answer to whether or not you need to refrigerate the product depends on what type of royal jelly the manufacturer used in the product. If they used fresh royal jelly, then yes, you need to refrigerate. If they used a dried royal jelly poweder, then it is not necessary. You'll need to contact the manufacturer to determine this.

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Sep 13, 2012
Royal Jelly in hot tea
by: Anonymous

I just saw a Dr. Oz show that said that Royal Jelly should not be put in a hot beverage. He didn't say why, but I imagine the heat would ruin it for some reason. Also, my bottle in the refrigerator says, "Never put in hot water." So there you have it.

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