Raw honey gave me a cold? Or not?

by Nicole B.

Hi. I am 25 years old and eat very healthy. . . mostly organic and little meat. I starting eating a tablespoon of organic raw honey in my green tea every morning. I started this about a week ago. I am a school teacher and I haven't been sick all year yet so far. About 5 days after eating the raw honey I developed somewhat of a sore throat and cough as well as some conjestion. I don't really know if i have "allergies" or not. . but do u think that the raw honey could have made me sick? and should i stop eating it? i appreciate your advice. . thanks,


Hi Nicole,
It is certainly possible but very difficult to say. Its possible that you reacted to the pollens naturally found in the raw honey or perhaps you have a slight allergy to some of the other compounds in it. Again, it is tough to say but possible. I would suggest you stop consuming it until you recover from your cold. Once recovered, re-introduce the honey back into your diet in lower amounts and see how you respond.

Bee healthy ~ Angela

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May 25, 2024
Honey has just HEALED you.
by: Anonymous

The honey killed off an infection you didn't realize you had. There really is no such thing as a "cold". What we call a "cold": coughing , runny nose, tiredness etc. is actually just your body's way of eliminating DEAD pathogens that the honey killed off. In a typical cold you will first have a high fever which is how your body kills off infections.The honey, acting as a medicine, did exactly what a fever does...kills off the pathogens. The "having cold symptoms" part is simply the aftermath of the battle where your body now has to remove all the dead bodies. This is why you get tired because your body is forcing you to rest while it does the cleanup process. I had the same thing happen my first time using Manuka honey. I am taking it to help heal an ulcer from drinking too much coffee. It killed off something in my throat and gave the most intense "Herxhiemer reaction", of "healing reaction", I have ever had. As far as "should I not use honey anymore" the answer is no. It killed off what it killed off and shouldn't happen again and if it does it is killing off some other pathogen. Honey is acting as a strong medicine for you is all. That "cold" is just part of the healing process.

Dec 19, 2023
Georgia Raw Honey-Nature Nate's
by: Snonymous

Recently started using Georgia Raw Honey found at Walmart and I have also had a persisting soar throat and runny nose. Bottle states honey is from GA and U.S. bee keepers. I am a GA resident and I usually use local honey found at a farmers market. The true local honey I have no adverse reactions to but this store bought honey might be my culprit. Lowkey red flag using honey from a big box store, but the bottle said GA lol. I also resonated with 2017 comment referencing herbicides and pesticides impacting bees and their honey. If Nature Nate's can push enough product to buy shelf space at Walmart, it is likely herbicides and pesticides are present at some point in production. I would think more than from local beekeepers' honey, but I can only assume. Catch me at the farmers market!

Dec 09, 2023
Me too! Re honey intolerance
by: Anonymous

We had hot honey and lemon juice often in winter as children, so I thought my winter colds were just normal colds. Only as an adult, after switching to hot honey water while trying to come off caffeinne did I start to suspect a honey allergy or intolerance. Now I know honey is something I should avoid. (I'm on this website today because I googled after I started have the familiar scratchy/mucus covered throat feel, and so looked more carefully at the menu of food I had at a restaurant today, and yup, sure enough I accidentally had some honey glaze). Usually if I'm well rested and avoid further honey the throat issue goes away in a couple of days, but I did once have a lot of raw honey which resulted in longer more flu like symptoms with a horrible cough. Anyway, for others reading this who think honey MUST be good for you because its supposed to be healthy, please listen to your body, some foods just do not play nice with some people's systems.

Jun 13, 2022
What seems like a cold could be die off symptoms.
by: Anonymous

Manuka honey is anti viral and fungal. Mold die off, what I’m dealing with, takes awhile to heal. Mold causing my autoimmune and gut issues, autoimmune. It’s possible that the healing properties of the manuka honey is starting a die off phase, whether it’s mold, fungal, viral, candida, infections, sinus infections.. Autoimmune / gut stuff goes hand and hand with fungal and viral infections. Google candida die off or fungal die off symptoms or viral die off.
This is what I believe to be happening to me, I’ll feel alright and take a spoonful and get stuffy and sinusy, feel my head is full, and knowing the properties of this honey, I take a deeper look at what it might be killing off that is in my system, known or unknown to me. There can still be honey allergies for some people, too of course.

Apr 04, 2022
Surely not a coincidence
by: Polly

I've been ill with a cold and mild sore throat for the past week. I bought some raw local honey and had a teaspoon of it. Didn't feel like it helped and actually started to feel a bit worse. By the late evening my tonsils started to swell. Now they are huge and I'm in a lot of pain. Pretty certain is the honey. Before I took the honey I was definitely starting to recover...

Nov 13, 2021
Manuka honey definitely gives me a cold.
by: Jasmine

At first I didn’t put the 2 together. I would have some manuka honey, and almost immediately get a sore throat and then come down with a cold. I just thought it was a coincidence. But I don’t really get colds. Over a couple years it happened a few times. I tend to forget over time, until it happens again. It’s been years since I consumed it because I had finally connected the 2 things. Just a couple days ago I bought some tea that was flavored with manuka honey. I thought because it was such a small amount that it would be fine. I was so wrong. Here I am again trying to fight off a cold before it completely settles in. Seriously, I have forever learned my lesson. Yes, it is possible to get a cold (or at least cold symptoms) from consuming certain honeys. For me it’s manuka. Of course I’m only speaking from personal experience. But for me that is the most valid type of experience. Y’all are not crazy.

Oct 17, 2021
Manuka honey allergy
by: Anonymous

Started taking Manuka honey daily (20 UMF)a week ago for my IBS and other stomach problems.Quit today. At first I was ok except for bowel movements several times a day and stomachache but slowly I developed severe wheezing,fatigue, runny nose, stuffy nose, headaches,bodyaches, severe drowsy ness and more.

Oct 11, 2021
Honey gives me a sore throat and blocked nose
by: Lee

I just noticed this connection. Every time I eat a spoonful of honey, my throat feels dry the next day. and I get a blocked nose. I don't have cold, just the symptoms of cold, that is my immune system is clearly reacting to the honey. Very strange. Anyway I stopped eating it and my sore throat and blocked nose clear up within a couple of days. It's a shame because I like honey. Maybe I will try smaller amounts in the future.

Jul 23, 2020
Organic Raw
by: Hillery

I bought some organic honey tonight and after one teaspoon I started having severe abdomenial pains so bad I almost passed out. It lasted about 20 minutes before I could sit down and be okay. Could this have been a reaction of the honey?

It certainly could have Hillery. Sounds like a severe allergy. Glad you're ok!


May 09, 2019
Manuka Honey and not feeling well
by: SabrinaV

I, too, have experienced cold/flu type symptoms after having some Manuka Honey.
I had a tablespoon & a logensur of this honey yesterday & woke up feeling fevered up & then chilled, just like a real flu bug. I had severe abdominal pain & very loose stools 4x this morning & then the chills afterwards. I'd thought that I was getting rid of toxins, as that will cause you to feel chills as the toxins leave your system. I do have a mild sore throat & a bit of a runny nose & headache. I'm not giving up entirely on Manuka Honey, but I will pace myself, maybe just have a teaspoon (instead of a tablespoon of it) every couple days.

Apr 26, 2019
Raw Manuka Honey gave me a cold
by: Anonymous

I too bought semi expensive raw Manuka honey on my recent trip to New Zealand. I thought that it might help my digestion which has been quirky since I had chemo in 2015.
I decided to have it in my tea last night and almost immediately came down with a terrible sore throat and a headache . I thought that the sudden onset was very strange but thought I may had contracted the flu on the long journey home from New Zealand.
Just now I took a wee sip of hot tea with the Manuka honey and immediately felt sick to my stomach and got a headache! I decided to look it up online and found this site.

Apr 03, 2019
Not again
by: Anonymous

So I’m here as this is my third try taking manuka honey and getting sick, wondering could it be the honey? I have been diagnosed with at least two autoimmune diseases. I thought this would help. The dry cough was out of control each time, flu like symptoms and sore throat. I don’t get colds. My theory is that it ramps up the immune system and the body starts fighting an ememy that isn’t there. Sadly I will be donating my expensive jar of manuka honey. I do not have the same problem with "ordinary" raw honey which I generally get in an old wine bottle straight from the bees!

Aug 06, 2018
Honey gave me a cold too!
by: Anonymous

I have allergies anyway and read q little bit of honey a day you can overcome hayfever. I started it and had a cough anyway so when the cough became worse I never linked it as I didn't react with itchy mouth like when I eat nuts so after a week I have gotten a cold. The same thing happens when I eat Nutella! So now I realise I have to limit these things and be fine otherwise I get a cold that usually lasts a week! I take antihistamines anyway and still get colds that the antihistamines does not help so I think it's just too much exposure having a little bit daily. :(

Mar 29, 2018
Allergic to Manuka Honey
by: Nancy

I have been suspicious of this Manuka Honey. I consumed it last year & had bad cough & lost my voice. It has happened 2 times. Recently, I had a bit of runny nose & took half a teaspoon morning & night & sure enough I a cough again. I won’t be taking it again!

Mar 11, 2018
Honey triggers alergies??
by: Betty Horton

I wondered the same thing about honey triggering alalergies. I had honey two separate days in my green tea and also had runny nose and cough but not on the day in between using it. I do have alergies

Feb 11, 2018
Raw honey
by: Anonymous

I’m just recovering from flu within 7 days now, My wife decided to buy this raw honey. As soon I take a drink with it mix in hot water. My coughing and sour throat came back. Then I look the content ingredient of raw honey there it is pollens. I think that’s the one that trigger my coughing and sour throat again. I’m almost drive myself to the emergency room because of severity. Hope it will someone regarding my experience.


Jan 14, 2018
Honey and congestion
by: Gerri

Very interesting reading since I am thinking I have a similar issue with raw honey. I have been using the same wildflower honey for years and have also suffered from reflux. For quite awhile now I have been congested and having to use a very strong cough to clear my throat. My chiropractor suggested it may be the honey. This was just today so I have not tested it out. Will post again if anyone is interested. I am old and friend suggested it was my age. Humbug

Jan 11, 2018
Honey is making me sick too
by: Anonymous

I had just about the same experience too! I hardly ever get sick. I am 35 and healthy for the most part. Recently I drank some tea with natural, raw unfiltered honey and the very next day I felt cold symptoms. 3 days later I am totally sick. The same thing happened last year too. So now I am in belief that this raw honey has made me sick. I dont understand it, but this can't be a coincidence.

Sep 06, 2017
Um-,no I beg to differ re allergies and their progress
by: Anonymous

Knowing many people with allergies, actually they often occur out of the blue and progress over time. That's how allergies work.

Aug 14, 2017
Honey causing disomfort in mouth and throat
by: CandiedGinger

I too have had issues such as some of you are sharing after having consumed raw honey. I recently came across some research that shows the chemicals in seed coatings, herbicides and pesticides does effect bees and the honey they produce. The symptoms may be from these chemicals in the honey and not the honey itself. If one person in your family has a negative response like these to honey i suggest no one in the family consume that brand, move to a different brand of honey instead. Im planning on trying other honeys to find one i dont react to, hopefully i find one.

May 28, 2017
Dry cough ,sore throat
by: Kathy Pickard

Thanks everyone for validating my suspicion. I was at an apiary and consumed raw honey. Within 24 hours I developed a sore throat and horrible dry cough. I am achy as well. How long will this persist? May have to see the doctor.

Feb 23, 2017
Honey and sore throat
by: Anonymous

I bought a local honey in the pleasant hill California area and started developing a horrible sore throat. I stopped for three weeks and then thought maybe I could have some again and within 24 hours the sore throat was back

It's good to read these comments because now I know I'm not crazy and it very well could be the honey

Jan 06, 2017
Me too!
by: Anonymous

I have noticed a connection for about five years. Honey gives me a sore throat and then I get sick with cold like symptoms. It's an unusual reaction, but I stay away. It could be pollen. Does honey harbor mold or bachalism?

Dec 24, 2016
Raw honey causes sore throat
by: Anonymous

I am a molecular biologist. I recently started taking raw honey for its anit-inflammatory properties to help with pain. After about a week of eating some raw honey in the AM and after dinner, I too noticed a sore, raw throat. It is not a cold. I noticed too a rawness inside my upper lip, and my taste sensations are more acute with everything I eat. It seems the honey has some property of permeating tissues of the digestive tract (other than stomach, it seems due to the stomach's mucosal lining) and altering them--as if sucking fluid out of the cells that comprise the tissues of the mouth, tongue, and throat (possibly of the esophagus too?). I will have to stop the honey until the sore throat is healed, then only take the raw honey every few days and see how I do. Raw honey does have many healthful benefits; however, it seems it must be taken in moderation.

Aug 28, 2016
Going through the same thing
by: David

I am currently going through the same thing, whenever i eat honey i get flu/cold like symptoms.

Jan 25, 2016
Me too
by: Anonymous

I used to get a sore throat from eating honey. I found it odd since so many people use honey to relieve a sore throat. I avoided it for many years but recently started taking a teaspoon of natural honey every day and I haven't had any reaction. Not sure if my allergy (if it was an allergy) cleared up or if the natural honey was a better choice for me. I have never had a problem with sugar in any other form so I know it was the honey.

Nov 29, 2015
Honey gave me sore throat
by: Anonymous

thanks guy for the earlier comments about honey given sore throat. I started searching the internet to find out weather honey can cause sore throat, then I came up on your comments. I'm herbal medicine student,. I don't catch cold that easily, but recently I started to notice that whenever I eat honey, my throat feels sore and if I continue eating it it develops into cold. I first notice it after I came up with a wonderful remedy for my son who is 5, it always gets rid of his cold but whenever I eat it my throat became sore.

Nov 27, 2013
Yes, it's possible
by: Anonymous

I stay at home all the time, except one day a week. Every time, and I mean that literally, that I eat honey, I get a sore throat. I am sure it would lead to a cold as it has before if I keep eating it. It is sad I can't eat it without getting sick because I love it.

Angela's Comments:

I suspect what is happening is that you have a sensitivity/allergy to the sugars in honey. I have had clients who have sugar allergies and get sore throats when they consume cane sugar. So it is possible. You could also be reacting to the pollens found in the honey, which could depress your immune system.

Hope that helps,

Jun 13, 2011
Cold from Raw Honey?
by: Bee Keeper

Hi Nicole, It is impossible for honey to give you a cold. You said you are a teacher so you are around sick kids all the time. It's just a coincidence. Raw honey is good for you and has antibacterial properties. It's healing. It could be an allergic reaction but it is a lot more likely you would have a reaction the first time you ate it as that is how allergies tend to affect people.

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