Questions about raw honey, So Ho Mish and Raw Propolis and lead

by Henry

Hi Angela
I was very excited to get my order (raw honey, royal jelly, so ho mish and propolis) yesterday. I got quite a few comments and questions:

1) Your raw honey tastes greate, though its solid state quite surpised me, I bought some raw honey before from Toronto St. Lawrence market, which was solid but only half hard as yours. Just curious if this is because their qualities are different.

2) So ho mish is the best cream I ever used, my partner agrees with me, I can immediately feel the sensation on my skin. If there is any complaint, it's that the scent is quite strong, almost like medicine:-)

3) Never had royal jelly before, the taste is really strong, so take it together with the honey.

4) Raw propolis chunk has a sharp pungent medicine or chemical (not sure the right word) smell, I thought it should smell like a tree because it's made from tree resin, just wondering if it's supposed to smell like this?

5) Someone told me there are lead and mercury in the raw propolis, so it's not good to take it raw. Is it true and I'd like to get your advice.

Thanks a lot.

Angela's Comments:

Hi Henry,
Glad you are enjoying our products. All high quality raw honey will turn to a solid state in time. It is difficult to say why the brand you bought was not solid. It could be that it is not truly raw honey and has been re-heated or filtered. Or, it could simply be that it hasn't had time to fully harden.

The reason the So Ho Mish has a rather unique smell to it is because we refuse to use ANY fragrances like 99% of all creams on the market. We don't even add essential oils due to some people's highly sensitive immune systems and allergies. It is meant to be used by any and everyone!

Great idea taking your royal jelly with honey. That is exactly what we recommend!

Raw propolis has a very strong smell. So yes, this is normal. I've been asked lately about propolis and lead. I'm not sure where these statements are originating from but i'll look into it and post here as we have never had an issue with this.

Bee healthy Henry!


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Jan 10, 2012
Propolis containg Lead
by: Brigadoon

Bees will NOT gather anything that is not Mother Nature Approved! - If you look at all of the Pestisides that are sprayed on plants, trees, field crops, etc, etc you will see that our little buddies the bees say “No Thanks” when they are “hunting & gathering” Mother Natures bounty. (God & the bees got it right)

Know that when you take the beehive products from a quality company that “truly tests products for not just quality, but making sure that what is on the label is in the jar before they are sold & cares” not just some vendor that stock piles products

Then you know that you are getting a whole lot of Mother Nature and a little bit of Bee Magic in every amount no matter if it is on the skin or inside

We are quite a bit like the bees in that If our Cells don’t know what to do with it they say No Thanks

Thanks for giving us the great quality and most of all thanks for caring.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Disclaimer: The information on Bee is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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