Propolis chunks into powder?

Is there any way to powder "propolis chunks" myself?

Not that I am aware of. We buy our powder in powder form as it is a difficult process to say the least. You'd need to dry the chunks and then break them down into a powder.


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Jun 10, 2011
How to Propolis chunks to powder
by: Brigadoon

I have used Propolis for many years and buy it in chunks - I freeze it - then take a chunk and put it in a coffee grinder while it is still frozen - grind it to a fine powder -(I only use that coffee grinder for the propolis)

To clean any left over residue after grinding (if there is any - and most of the time there isn't) I put the coffee grinder in the freezer for a little while and then just wipe it out with a"dry" paper towel.

I always keep the propolis in the freezer even after I grind it.

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