Colony collapse disorder and bee pollen

by Jackie
( Indiana)

Given that we don't know what causes CCD, isn't it prudent to consider that pollen might be a contributing factor? And, given that it may be killing bees, doesn't it worry you to eat it yourself?

Do you mean the collection of pollen is contributing to CCD? If so, then no, pollen is not a contributing factor. Only a very small percentage of hives actually collect pollen for commercial purposes. In order to do so, you have to install pollen traps in the hives. At Dutchman's Gold, we don't collect any of our own pollen due to climate issues and we still experience CCD. I suspect CCD is caused by a multitude of factors including GMO crops, cell phone towers, the overuse and misuse of anti-biotics in hives and insecticide/herbicides.

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Aug 25, 2010
Oops :)
by: Jackie

Oops. I wasn't as clear as I had meant to be. :) I meant: if it's possible that eating pollen (presumably often tainted with GMO) is killing bees, wouldn't we want to stop eating it (or risk similar health issues)?

Angela's Comments:

Good point Jackie. You may be correct. The question ultimately is does eating bee pollen that is produced by bees that are pollinating GMO crops produce 'tainted' bee pollen? I honestly don't know if anyone knows that yet. I wouldn't be concerned about mite issues with pollen (also a contributor to CCD) as the pollen never enters the hive. It is scrapped off the legs of the bees upon entry in the pollen traps. But you raise a good point. I would suggest obtaining bee pollen from a country that doesn't allow GMO and then comparing how you feel when consuming it to how you feel/respond to a bee pollen that is produced in a country that allows GMO.

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