How long does bee pollen stay fresh not refrigerated?

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my email. I am going to be away from electricity for about a year and am looking for the best product. I would enjoy fresh bee pollen but have read it needs to be refrigerated but have also read that it can last awhile not being refrigerated, just not as long. My question is how long will it stay fresh not refrigerated being stored in my backpack? I'm not really to excited about taking the bee pollen pills. If it needs to be refrigerated would the raw honey with bee pollen be a better option as that needs to be stored in room temperature? Once again thank you for your time.

God Alone,


Angela's Comments:

Hi Shaun,
I don't recommend storing bee pollen at room temp long term but there are things you can do to help keep it fresh. Obviously, the most important thing to do is to keep it dry and out of any excessive heat. If you have one or two of those moisture absorbing packets (silica packets) from another food product, put those in with your bee pollen.

As for the bee pollen honey product - this is a good option but the amount of bee pollen in the raw honey is quite low. So it really depends on how much bee pollen you require. If its not a lot, then this would a very good option for you.

Hope that helps.

Comments for How long does bee pollen stay fresh not refrigerated?

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Aug 02, 2024
High temperature raw pollen
by: Anonymous

I ordered raw pollen on Amazon but the product was possibly subjected to over 100 F during its transport. I don’t for how long that happened but the jar was very hot upon arrival.
Is it still safe to eat it? Thank you

Angela's comments:

Most likely yes, provided it is a dried pollen and it was not exposed to any moisture. Open it and examine for any signs of spoilage. Dried pollen is quite stable.

Aug 06, 2019
Refrigerated capsules
by: Anonymous

I bought a bottle of bee pollen in capsule form. It was not sold in a refrigerator, wondering if it needs to be refrigerated after opening?
Also I have been having stomach pain since I started taking the capsules daily. Could this be related?

No, it does not need to be refrigerated. As for the stomach pain, it certainly could be. Stop taking them, await for the pain to stop and then reintroduced the bee pollen. Try it in smaller doses to start, even opening up the capsules and taking a 1/2 or 1/4 capsule.


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Bee pollen left outside fridge

i bought some local bee pollen at the health food store yesterday. i was on lunch break at work, so i kept it in the fridge at work. when i brought it home, i accidently left it in the car overnight. will it sill be ok to consume? did it go bad? thanks for the help!

Angela's comments:

Bee pollen left at room temperature is absolutely fine for a few days.

Bee healthy,

Comments for Bee pollen left outside fridge

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Dec 06, 2019
how long will be pollen left at room temperature ?
by: Anonymous

Hi Angela

u said Bee pollen left at room temperature is absolutely fine for a few days. kindly tell us how many days dear ?

It will remain good at room temperature for a good 2 years.

May 30, 2013
by: Anonymous

hi here in our place '' we can buy this raw honey with pollen ' the bottle is 375 ml and the pollen is about 1/4 of the bottle.i just want to know how long can i keep it without refregration. ill wait for your comments.

Since the pollen is mixed in honey, this will preserve the bee pollen long term so you can likely keep it at room temp for a couple of years.

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How long do granules last unrefrigerated?

by Erin

I purchased a container of granules from Whole Foods (they were in the fridge section) and then forgot to refrigerate once I got home. It has been about two weeks and they have been in a cool dark place in my cabinet. Do you think they are still OK?

Angela's Comments:

Yes, bee pollen is fine to be left at room temperature for a couple of weeks. Longer term (one month plus) you'd want to look at keeping them cooler.

bee healthy,

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Refrigerating Bee Pollen

by Emily Oswald
(St. Louis MO )


I bought my first container of Bee Pollen a few weeks back and did not know I was suppose to keep in in the refrigerator. It has been stored in my pantry. Has my bee pollen gone bad since its been out of the refrigerator for a few weeks?



Hi Emily,
It is unlikely that it has gone bad. Was it a fresh bee pollen that was sold to you from a refrigerator or was it a dried bee pollen? Most bee pollen is dried - if this is the case then it is fine at room temperature.

Bee healthy,

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Unrefrigerated Bee Pollen - Still Good?

I bought a big jar of Fresh Bee Pollen and didn't realize it needed to be refrigerated until 3 days later when I opened it. Is it still good to use?

Angela's Comments:

Yes, it will still be good to use as long as you didn't expose it to excessive heat or moisture.

Comments for Unrefrigerated Bee Pollen - Still Good?

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Apr 30, 2017
Bee Pollen
by: Anonymous

Purchased a jar of bee pollen over a year ago left in pantry - is it still ok to consume?

Likely yes. Check for an expiry date. Taste a few granules, observe for rancidness or mold.

Sep 08, 2015
Bee Pollen
by: Anonymous

I have a medium size jar of Bee Pollen in the cabinet...would they still be safe to consume?

Angela's comments:

It really depends on how long it has been left in the cabinet unrefrigerated.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Disclaimer: The information on Bee is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Angela Ysseldyk and her community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified heath care professional.

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